We had an amazing group of 7 Ukrainian kids (see photo above) from Luxembourg attend our Wyldlife (middle school) camp in France. When the kids came to Luxembourg they stayed in refugee housing where the kids first met each other. For several of the kids their fathers are fighting the war while others have their whole family in refugee housing in Luxembourg. It was a great week at camp for them. After camp Craig, Young Life staff in Luxembourg, shared this quote “It was difficult to communicate with the [Ukrainian] kids at camp and explaining the rules didn’t always work. I’m not sure how much of the Gospel they understood. What I learned is that regardless of language, and cultural differences, everyone wants to feel loved and included. I got a glimpse of the Lord’s love and patience. It’s another reminder of why Young Life exists. To reach out to the kids that nobody else will, to be patient when others won’t, and to love kids who are different than us. Seeds were planted. Life-long memories were made.” It was a great week at camp and a privilege to for our staff to share Jesus with these students. After camp one of the mom’s wrote: “I am so grateful to you and all the team for a wonderful time in the camp. The children are so happy. God bless you!” -Luba
We have literally reached maximum capacity with our beds at camp! This summer we had students sleeping on the floor at our Portugal surf camp, and had to turn kids away from our camp in Spain. We need to create more camping opportunities for students in Western Europe.
Presently we are running in 7 camps in 4 countries (Spain, Portugal, France and Belgium) attended by students from The Netherlands, Luxembourg (& Ukraine), Belgium, France, Spain & Portugal.
In 2024 we will open a new week of camp in Belgium for students from the Netherlands/Luxembourg.
Longer term goal: To establish a Young Life & a Wyldlife (middle school) camp in every country we work in, and to begin doing service and discipleship camps.
The opportunities for growth are huge but the time commitment will require someone working on it full time!
I (Lauren) would be honored to have you come alongside me in prayer and financial support in this mission. I have an Annual Budget of $145,400 that includes compensation, training, travel and operational expenses.
Enter your email below if you’re interested in praying for the camping ministry in Western Europe or if you wish to be a part of the email update list.